Forums » 2011 » How can we rebuild
Messages for How can we rebuild
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Oct 11, 2011 09:46 AM |
As I said before we absolutely need to move this league to a better location. I give Rob a ton of credit because he, just like President Obama, inherited a bad situation and had nothing to work with. I like the idea of going to the K of C because it can be more of a "fun" atmosphere but...and this is a big but....when it rains, that field is as bad as it gets and takes forever to dry. It will be hard to maintain it if we get any kind of weather and as we all know, the Fall is notorious for heavy rainfall. I just think that we shouldn't put all of our eggs in one basket and keep looking for other options. A scoreboard would be key but we have been asking for that for years now and still nothing. As for the competiveness factor/amount of teams....networking is the only way. Players used to die to get into this league because it was the league to play in. Now Hartford has definitely taken over that role. To get the parity back to where it should be could take a couple of years. I read that the "lower caliber" teams are taking it as a positive just to battle the better teams and they should. But looking at some of the final scores, it doesn't look like there have been too many close games (with the exception of a couple) between the bottom four and the top three. It also doesn't help when you see an offensive player telling his defense to call timeout at the end of a game when they're already winning 42-0 just to get the ball back and score another TD for his stats. That kind of stuff will deter the weaker teams to come back year after year and try and build a competive squad.
***Enough of my yapping...I'm Bax and that's my view from the couch!!!!!
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Oct 12, 2011 04:07 AM |
One comment to defend TBP again....look at our scores this year, you will see a close game every week.
Anyways, The KofC feild has an old scoreboard that could be renovated with little work. We can hang numbers like the Green Monstah in Boston. I looked into a scoreboard last year. The only "affordable" option was a portable one and it also kept time. Figured score and time are the most important things for folks to see, esp the spectators. Well, that was about $4,000. Sure we could try to get a table top Basketball style one but it is small and still relatively expensive for a league that has pretty much no wiggle room financially this year, or any of the most recent years while we pay for Lipton's high "facility fee". Maybe someone with connections can find a used one in some town's public works or rec department? I know we don't have any in Ellington.
One thing of note, in order for time to be kept accurately, we would really need a remote module that the time keeping ref can use on the field. Either way, it has been discussed that the easiest and best improvemnt is to at least hang numbers on a board to keep scores. That is what we can do at KofC or someone with time and materials on hand can hand-craft a sandwich board A-frame sign I suppose.
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Oct 12, 2011 04:12 AM |
One more thing. No matter what the talent pool / team chemistry is in the league (any league!) SOMEBODY has to win and SOMEBODY has to lose. Everyone likes to win. You will get a natural spread in record regardless of talent. I suppose the only thing you hope for is all close games and every team flirting with a 500 record. That is parity. Hard to find and keep, and I don't ever remember seeing that in any year in this league since I started in 94. There has always been at least one dominant team and usually one team that is taking it on the forehead.
BUT, I still hate to see games that end 60-8 with 8 INTs on one side !
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Oct 12, 2011 05:48 AM |
Why can't we run a golf tournament to raise some money for a scoreboard? I would imagine that the turnout would be extensive seeing that the league is made up of guys. Depending on when we can host the tournament would dictate when we could get a scoreboard which might not be until 2013 but just putting it in the pipeline would be good for the league. I would think that the best time to run it would be during the football season to add the competitveness of it.
Just a thought.
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Oct 12, 2011 06:03 AM |
great thought jbiggs. Someone needs to spearhead it. I just don't have any time left in my schedule to take on more responsbilities.
Rell - I'm trying to set up a meeting with KofC in the next couple weeks. Hearing that they really want us. Will also reach out to old Mt. Carmel too. Costs should be around $900 per season depending on ref fees and any facility charges. Refs haven't gotten raises in a number of years but they aren't yelling for one. Getting rid of Lipton's high facility fee will help.
Chad Gibson, who is president of the Western MA Flag Football league that plays in Springfield and Holyoke, is interested in setting up a tourney or somehow working with us in the EFFL on some seasonal matchups. They play 8 on 8 just like us. Maybe we can create a superconference and have some games played up there too with their refs. Maybe a few teams travel each week between both leagues and between both fields in CT and MA? Thoughts anyway...
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Oct 12, 2011 04:21 PM |
Here are some thoughts to chew on.....Some I think will help, some i am just throwing out.
Move the league...obvi
scoreboard....have a fundraiser to do it...People keep saying they have been asking for it but we need to realize we are the ones that control it....I.E. Nobody will buy it for us, let's get it for ourselves....Golf tourney, great idea. I can help spearhead this effort....We can even follow it up with a party at the new venue, kind of like a stag party fundraiser. If you guys get the strippers I can't be held accountable to my wife...Hint Hint......Softball teams raise funds in this fashion all the time.
change the league to 9 on 9
have money set aside from each teams dues to pay for 2 kegs each week for players and fans
Green team eats balls, yuck yuck
def tv's
Stats officially kept and published on web site
we buy a league video camera and have someone video tape the games. Then it is edited and posted on website. This was part of Hartfords league last year and was pretty awesome to watch. It was basicly a highlight real.
we stop throwing flags for excessive celebration
We call Joe Butler up and get him to field a team....He's a real villan.
These are just some ideas, not all good, but something to chew on.
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Oct 13, 2011 03:37 AM |
Butler certainly is missed....and I can't agree more with the excessive celebration thing. That call last week was bad. I mean come on....this isn't the No Fun League for cripes sakes ! The nation isn't watching at home !
On a serious note - I was already thinking of a post season shin dig at the K of C so guys can check it out. Kind of a new beginning early kick off. Could raise funds there I suppose. I know there have been Enfield parties put together over there by Kris McManus. BUT...and a big BUT....we can't have guys go "Starzyk" and make a bad impression right off the bat ! We'd have to be somewhat respectful and not get blasted.
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Oct 13, 2011 05:48 AM |
guys check it out. not bad for the price and simple for the refs!!!!
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Oct 13, 2011 08:36 AM |
Or we can just do the Fenway Park hang up numbers on the old scoreboard at K of C and use the following for keeping time. Even better cost...$500
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Oct 13, 2011 04:22 PM |
I like the idea of someone recording the games you could even sell copies to guys who want them. That money could go towards the league. Hey if we have guys who can build quility things why not use them instead of kicking out more cash? Even if we was to ask for each team to donate $50 we would have $450.00 right now to start things rolling.Just a thought1

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